Rye Hill Poetry Reading- 36 years of friendship & poetry

Something fierce has taken over me, I believe it is JOY.  

Once at Cold Mountain troubles cease— No more tangled, hung up mind. I idly scribble poems on the rock cliff, Taking whatever comes like a drifting boat.
— Han Shan

Lament : a self portrait 

You once loved me . you once 


hated me . you craved me . I

was your brain. you possessed

me -- a ripe grape  plucked 

and pressed  and now sipped 

will you consume me again ?

you remain stained in purple

hues forever : shattered

stemware dripping , cold wood 

floors --an emptiness

I once knew as innocence 


we adored in and out , out and in , in 

thought we never understood 

forever or daytime, how to stay leave 

stay, come back again.


on your horse I laugh a red lamp

over the hills and the hooves 

on the grass exalt : I love you,

I hate you, my saddle , my reins 

tight and leather, your lips, your breath

your eyes, your back stretched tanned 

and worn the pale glass shadows

Poet- Unknown

The more I allow myself to be me, the less energy I expend on hiding all the scary parts I didn't want anyone to see, the more and more love and friendship I receive.

Poeme a la glorie des etincelles : Poem to the glory of sparkles

Poeme a la glorie des etincelles : Poem to the glory of sparkles

Chloë Rain

Chloë Rain is the Founder of Explore Deeply. She has been trained in ceremonial practices and shamanic healing techniques from two living traditional medicine paths, one in North America and one in South America. She is a certified Native American Healing Arts Practitioner and has a Masters degree in Indigenous Studies from the Arctic University of Norway, where she spent four years researching the sacred landscape of Sápmi, the land of the indigenous Sámi people.

Through her work she hopes to inspire more people to listen to their soul’s calling, and cause them to look a little closer at themselves, at the natural environment that surrounds them, and at other people and our beliefs of separation, race, culture, and religion.




Look up and let Love in