Wisdom of the Four Directions Apprenticeship 2025
Something brought you here today…
Almost all of us have an intuition that we are living on the edge of a turning point in human history. We sense a threshold, a line beyond which we have crossed, and there is an unspoken fear that we might not like what we see, but there is also a knowing that we are being invited to discover new awarenesses; personal resources and knowledge previously forgotten by us.
Perhaps you’ve been moved by the state of the global environment and the uncertainty in the news, and you’re wondering what kind of legacy we’re going to leave the next generation. You know that things can’t continue the way they are, and yet you don’t know what you can do to change or even where to begin….
No longer is the old way of doing things a guarantee for success or happiness. It is essential to have a solid sense of love for yourself and develop your own inner knowing in order to be able to understand what your inner guidance is asking of you.
As part of our human journey, we will each experience numerous challenging cycles in life. We are here to learn something about ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience. Thus, one is always about to enter or is in the process of a transformative cycle in some area of our life as part of the path of our unique experience.
While such cycles are unavoidable and not necessarily a bad thing — the place from which you engage these cycles often determines how difficult it becomes, how long it lasts, and whether you transform the darkness of confusion and pain into the light of new potential and life.
Life is not random, your experiences are meaningful — even your painful experiences, all experiences are a call to awakening of the spirit…
Initiation experiences are deeply spiritual. They have been a part of the human journey for thousands of years. The initiation experience is a very specific journey meant to challenge you to discover the unknown resources of power within you. Extreme conditions are either chosen (as in going on a challenging Vision Quest), or brought upon you through unforeseen life events such as illness, accidents, death, divorce, or any other life circumstance that starts a person on this extraordinary experience. Most people do not even recognize that they having an initiatory experience, as it is a spiritual journey hidden within the pain and chaos of ordinary life.
Initiation experiences have a sequence and natural progression to them. For one to bring their unique gift or medicine to the world they must go through an initiatory experience of wounding, losing themselves and finding themselves again, before they can be a teacher of this wisdom.
With most injuries or wounds, we can seek help, including our emotional and mental wounds. The challenge of this wound is to learn that you are your own healer. You must confront your own pain or be consumed by it. You can only come to believe in the power of your spirit — and the Spirit — by sourcing the inner guidance within yourself. Then you will experience this power with respect and reverence, and the Spirit will assist you because you understand how to source your own divine wisdom.
Every journey transforms the initiate in some profound way. Each initiation has its own purpose, its own teaching, its own medicine.
Learning to explore deeply…
Uncertainty, the state of the world around us, is the classroom in which the challenges and lessons that lead to our own personal power and wisdom emerge. Clarity, trust, self-love and self-worth, and discernment of what is ours to transform and what is not ours to carry forward are the qualities we must cultivate in order to support the growth of wisdom in our lives and so that we may walk our unique path of purpose.
We all have dreams for our life and our future — desires within us that feel important and necessary to living a fulfilled life. So why do so many people accept a life of unfulfillment?
Most people struggle in silence, while fear runs their life; unable to make changes in their personal and professional lives. Dreams of fulfilling work, experiencing true intimacy with a partner, and achieving flow and prosperity in your life become muted but, in your heart, you know these dreams are yours for a reason, but you just can't seem to figure out how, or where to begin...
Learning to explore deeply is opening to the ultimate possibility that is your life. Your internal awakening opens the door to a truly unimaginable possibility. The potential of living a deeply awakened life is so magnificent and so far beyond most of what we see in the world that even when we experience it for ourselves, we often find it hard to accept that life could be this extraordinary.
In order to make room in ourselves for the miraculous to take root, most of us need to uncover, and ultimately leave behind a deeply rooted fundamental insistence on a life of limitation. This deeply rooted and often unconscious limitation infects even the most dedicated of hard workers and subtly holds us back from taking the steps of trust required to truly experience our own personal freedom and have a life we love living.
The Wisdom of the Four Directions explains our relationship to the external world, but also explains how to be in the world…
The teachings of the Four Directions focus on our connection with nature and the nature of our true selves. Learning the Wisdom of the Four Directions supports us to be in right relationship with others, our world, and ourselves, the teachings of the Four Directions is a complete and unparalleled framework for personal inquiry and growth as well as healing practices that have been shared for thousands of years between mentor and student.
The Gift is New Beginnings & Insight
Spring, Air, Self-Care, Soul Imprinting, Healing of Past Trauma and Wounding, Change, Rebirth
We all have a gift to bring to the world, a creative gift, through our own unique expression of who we are. What is our message to deliver, what is the medicine we bring to the world? What can our creative expression offer to the world, when we are engaging all of our gifts and talents?
The Gift is Knowledge & Maturity
Fall, Earth, Harvest, Dream Work, Journeying & Vision for Wisdom and Guidance, Manifestation, Maturity
We align ourselves with our true nature and bring to the world what it is that we came to this life to do, it is the most generous thing that we can do, the most generous thing we can do is to live the life we came here to live and to do so in harmony with the Nature of Life all around us.
The Gift is Strength & Discipline
Summer, Fire, Growth, Courage, Action, Passion, Strength, Practices to bring forth more Vitality & Creativity
If you have answered the question — who am I — you understand a lot about your relationship to the Universe. You may be challenged by your own fears, while bringing your unique gift to the world, but you must learn to heal and overcome this, this is your journey.
The Gift is Healing & Wisdom
Winter, Water, Healing, Great Mysteries, Wisdom, Wellbeing, Integration in the Physical Body
The medicine of the North supports us to be in right relationship with others, our world, and ourselves. These energies helps us choose compassion over anger; connection over isolation; and empowers us to play a bigger role in the healing of ourselves, others, and our environment.
Are you ready to go deep and discover your unique, soulful, intelligent, and meaningful place in the world?
Develop your abilities to hear your inner guidance, and learn to hone this knowledge to create and recreate your life
Discover your unique purpose for being alive at this time
Uncover how to be of greatest service to the world
Follow your calling to contribute and serve in your own way, act with courage and love — and realize you are not alone.
The way I see it, most of our major problems, social and environmental, can be solved if enough people shift to a new way of being — and come into harmony with every living thing on planet earth, and the earth itself. We must understand how we may offer our gifts to the up leveling of human consciousness and through being true to our own unique reason for being alive at this time.
Do you feel a deep longing to be in service to the world?
A vision is not a glimpse of what will be in the future — it’s an awareness of what is already true within you, here and now.
The vision is not something you make up, it is who you were born to be. It’s your true power, your essence, your genius, and the source of your prosperity.
When you are cut off from the truth of your essence, you don’t just fail to fulfill your potential, you experience many other side-effects. The challenges you face in other areas — health, work, relationships, prosperity — are often symptoms of a disconnection from this divine pattern in you. That’s why many attempts to solve those other problems don’t work — because they are symptoms, not the cause.
When you rediscover your vision and begin to align with the forces of nature, you activate the latent power within you and begin to dissolve many of your problems. This is when miracles can happen.
Healing stems from the power of Nature itself.
Tap into the earth energies and use these methods to wield the energy and power of nature in your daily life. When you are feeling dispassionate, disconnected, foggy, or unmotivated this signals a loss of personal power. Using earth based practices we can regain our personal power, stop energy leaks from draining us, and realign in harmony with the true nature of our lives.
When you engage in earth based practices to heal yourself, you also contribute this healing to the world around you. When you learn to self heal and shift at a deep level, releasing imprints from the past, this is when your external world will begin to reorganize around you, as your new way of seeing things comes into focus.
Wisdom of the Four Directions
Apprenticeship 2025
Learn to Embody Your Unique Source of Power, Uncover Your Strengths, Break Free of Limiting Patterns, Learn to Heal Yourself, and Be in Greater Service to the World
Wisdom of the Four Directions is a 5-Month One-on-One mentorship program, it offers you the guidance and support needed to let go of the imposed doubt and limitation and step into a consciousness of possibility. In this in-depth immersion program we will explore the many ways that your soul is attempting to get your attention and direct you to walk your unique path.
In this freedom from limitation, you will experience firsthand why exploring deeply is not only a powerful doorway to awakening, but one of the essential qualities of living a truly fulfilled life.
The core of this program will help you to rewire the mind’s programming that informs your emotions and your consciousness. You will learn to anchor into your body your most authentic expression. This individualized mentorship program will give you tools to help you come into your own personal power, regain your sense of self and passion for life, and begin to experience real breakthroughs. Then you will feel as though you have returned to your authentic self, with the promise you were born to realize.
If you would like to be considered for the upcoming Wisdom of the Four Directions Apprenticeship, please submit an application.
We must learn to develop skills and engage in new capacities for healing — such as tapping into your unique perception of the world and finding the link between your personal healing, your work, your spiritual work, and how you will contribute to global transformation and human consciousness. This 5 month personalized program is a profound exploration of all that has changed the course of my life as well as many of my clients lives, forever.
It’s time to reclaim your unique vision in 2025
Discover How to Own Your Authentic Power
Coming into your own personal power helps us choose inspiration over fear; compassion over anger; connection over isolation; and empowers us to play a bigger role in the healing of ourselves, others, and our environment.
When we learn to shift at the subconscious level, transmuting imprints from the past, our external world begins to look different and opportunities arise that you were unable to see before. The practices of self-love and worthiness help us show up, make positive contributions to our families, and communities, and avoid the abuses of power that plague our times.
Connect with the Nature of Life All Around You
Energy healing practices are not only concerned with the health of the individual, but also with the health of the world. This includes all people, plants, animals and all of life. As we begin to feel more connection within our own body we help to heal the planet by living in this connection and reciprocity with the nature of life all around us.
Experience Ceremony & Shamanic Journey
Ceremonies honor the Spirit of ourselves and engage with the Earth energies, Ancestors, and the spirits of Nature to help promote harmony and balance. In becoming ceremony we beget relationship and engage in meaningful communication with something greater than ourselves.
Engage in Sacred Healing Practices
Learning to connect with sacred places on earth is an intrinsic part of ancient wisdom. By spending time in natural places, such as rivers, lakes, mountains and caves, we reawaken our Spirit and invigorate the energy of the land.
Connection with Nature
Begin to experience the healing power of Nature and build a direct relationship with the true nature of reality all around you.
Healing of Self
You will be guided through the process of cultivating energy through daily practices and nature based experiences. Allow your soul's purpose to emerge from within you.
Unity of the Whole Self
Part of our life’s journey is to unify the aspects of Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit. This unity allows us to function naturally.
Help the World
Transform your actions in order to bring healing to yourself, your relationships and your community. In this way, each step you take on the path of life becomes a healing process.
Why me, why now?
Each of us is born with a unique essence that we are here to share with the world. You are born with important resources within you, but as a result of societal and familial conditioning, life experiences and wounding, our authentic self can be forgotten and remain hidden for decades.
Who should take this program?
Anyone yearning to experience more in life
Anyone who wants to break free of negative patterns
Anyone wanting to feel passionate and purposeful on a daily basis
Anyone who wants to start a new career or re-invent themselves
Anyone wanting to break through to a new level of prosperity and flow
What makes this work different?
When you talk to people about your problems you may experience a temporary sense of relief and clarity. In this way you may learn reasons for disconnection and apathy, but still feel unable to breakthrough. That is because this type of teaching operates at a superficial level. Unfortunately, it does not fix the root cause at the energetic or soul level.
The limitations in your life are a symptom of something deeper. Simply talking about it is not going to fix your underlying loss of connection to soul purpose, passion, and your abilities to feel deeply, which is how anything is manifested in our lives. We must be able to engage our personal power, intuition, and internal guidance in order to experience the things we long for.
What is unique about this program?
You will learn to process challenging circumstances completely differently, learn to live from a place of intuition and trust, all while giving back to the world in your unique way.
What is offered in this five month journey together is deep one-on-one healing work with each individual who chooses to enter this Apprenticeship. It is my hope to give you as much of what I have learned along this path as possible, in a way that speaks to your heart, and gives you a framework that is helpful in gleaning understanding from your own experiences. I believe for one to be a teacher, we must have faced hardships and found the courage to transform our pain into wisdom for ourselves and for others.
You will learn practical methods, tools, and spiritual direction that will create real life context and serve you in perceiving the meaning of your own experiences, as well as others. It is this kind of one on one support with a Spiritual Guide that truly makes a difference in being transformed by the processes and ideas at the cellular level, versus surface learning at the level of the mind.
What can I expect to receive?
The Wisdom of the Four Directions program includes — 5 months of one-to-one mentorship, including 1 & 1/2 hour weekly individual sessions, including teachings and guided directions for energy healing techniques, 14 seperate downloadable audios of guided meditations designed for program participants only, and a 200+ page resource manual with educational teachings and developmental exercises. As well as personalized tools for your individual vision work and clarity on your life's path.
The Wisdom of the Four Directions is a holistic approach to one-on-one mentorship including life strategy and intuitive guidance. You will learn techniques that combine modern psychology methodologies and ancient shamanic wisdom to create a life in alignment with your true nature.
It is my deepest honor and joy to share the tools that will change the way you interface with the world, process challenging circumstances, and create a life you truly enjoy living, while giving back to the world. The work that I do with my clients is different than most because the outcome is that the individual has connected with their personal source, their own internal guidance & understands their unique compass points in order to direct the progress on their individual life path.
In addition to the weekly individual sessions, you will receive individually tailored healing techniques and belief system reprogramming for your particular blocks and barriers as well as learning to use personalized tools for your own wellness that you will use for the rest of your life.
5 months of individual and personalized weekly mentorship sessions lasting an hour and a half, including customized guided meditations
200+ page resource manual with methods and teachings
16 Specific processes and exercises that help you learn to heal yourself, understand and integrate your emotions, and up-level your self awareness and intuition. These are processes you will use for the rest of your life.
10 meditation & Shamanic Journey audios for program participants only — including guided EFT (tapping) to release anxiety and attachments, 4 shamanic journeys for learning how to do journey work with the drum, and several audios to regain personal power and self-worth
Personalized EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) instruction and tapping scripts
Learn how to create a personal sacred space and begin or bolster your own unique spiritual practice
Learn about the loss of passion and our inability to experience deep intimacy from a energy perspective
Learn unique methods and strategies for your specific work/life purpose
Learn about the 4 Energy Bodies and how they affect and shape your life, and how to heal traumas that keep you stuck in self defeating patterns
Learn about Divine illness and the role this plays in our initiation on the path of purpose
Learn how to use visioning techniques to guide you on your path and to co-create a different reality
Learn the process of Journeying and how this can serve you in retrieving your power from places it is stuck, as well as journeying to receive tools, insights, and bring future possibilities into awareness to inform your present decisions
Learn about Animal Medicines and how these energies may help you to understand your world, relationships in your life, and your relationship with the external world
Learn about the energies of Elementals and the Energies of Influence on Earth
Learn how the cycles of the seasons influence your energy and how to flow with this power in your daily life for positive outcomes
Learn energy medicine techniques to up-level your energy and rid yourself from patterns that are not serving your highest purpose
Receive individually tailored guided processes and exercises to help you to empower yourself and clear limiting patterns in your life
Customized meditation techniques to serve your personal vision and goals
Learn to Co-Create with the Divine and align with your inner guidance
Learn to source your own divine energy and read energetic patterns
Receive personalized energy healing work and weekly support to deepen your relationship with your intuition and your own unique connection to the Divine
Audio recordings of every session, so that you may review the meditations, teachings, and prayers offered during your individual healing sessions
Wisdom of the Four Directions 5-Month Program is for you if:
You feel in transition, but you're not sure what step to take next
You've tried a lot of things but nothing has given you the kind of deep fulfillment you've been seeking
You long for purpose and meaning in your life, and want to feel a greater connection to all things
You feel a strong calling to give back to the world
You feel a deep resonance with nature and want to do your part to protect our natural resources
No matter the path you are walking right now, these tools will help you be more powerful in your life. Quite frankly, this is not a program at all, as you learn the wisdom of the Four Directions you will receive insight that will serve you in being a whole, vital, and empowered human being for the rest of your life. This wisdom will serve you no matter what path you choose.
Your life purpose is to use your own personal transformation to help transform society. Once mentored by another, you will mentor others. Your gift to the world will be to create your unique place in the chain of love and light built by people who came before you and the people who will follow you.
The profound and permanent shifts that I have experienced with this work is truly amazing and absolutely life transforming. I am stronger, more confident, and clear about who I am and my purpose in life. — Cassy L
Tuition & FAQ’s
TUITION: €5000(EUR) due upon acceptance into the program. There is a six month payment plan option. Please note there is a 5% financing fee for payment plans and Paypal financing. When you choose to pay in full, the financing fee does not apply.
PAYMENT PLAN OPTION: Six monthly payments of €875(EUR).
FINANCING OPTION: You may choose to apply to PayPal Credit (€5200) by selecting PayLater option and make 6 monthly payments interest free. To pay with PayPal Credit Financing, please let me know you that you prefer this option when we meet. I will invoice you through PayPal, and you can choose PayLater to apply for PayPal Credit financing. [1] PayPal Credit is subject to consumer credit approval, as determined by the lender. Please note that eligibility for credit approval is completely based on PayPal’s credit application qualifications — Explore Deeply nor Chloë Rain have zero bearing on acceptance into this financing program.
I understand this dilemma and spent nearly a decade believing that my personal happiness would show up one day, and in the meantime I couldn't afford to get help until my circumstances changed. In fact, it wasn't until I invested in my personal wellness that my circumstances changed. The limiting belief of there's "never enough" along with the feeling that you aren't worth it, is often the direct result of childhood imprinting and inherited belief systems.
You are here for a reason.
The belief systems of lack and limitation prevent opportunities from materializing and leave you stuck in the unhappiness of repeated self defeating patterns.
Investing in yourself and your soul's work is a sound life decision. Just like putting money into an investment account — you will reap the rewards of self development for years to come. These are personalized tools for your life, that you'll use over and over again. This is not another program but a way of life that will help you walk forward on your path of purpose.
In indigenous cultures, healing services with a Spiritual Guide are highly regarded and well paid for. From time immemorial medicine people have been paid for their services, whether in the form of animals like goats, chickens, or cows; or goods like tobacco. Money is now common currency for service.
The rate of exchange respects the spiritual lineage of the Spiritual Guide as well as the client's own lineage, and is symbolic of taking your spiritual growth and healing seriously. I go to great lengths to support my clients and spend truly devoted time with each individual person's healing, and I charge a rate requisite with time spent as well as consideration of my experience level as an initiated Spiritual Guide with respect to the medicine lineages and Ancestors who have passed their wisdom to me.
I believe for one to be a clear conduit of the Divine, we must have a deeply rooted awareness of the world around us and a committed spiritual practice that fits our unique soul path… and it’s the one on one support of a Spiritual Guide that truly makes a difference in creating this awareness and deepening, versus just learning at an educational level. Surely having never gone through this process, one should never teach.
In these times when many people are calling themselves shamans, one should spend time researching and determining whether a spiritual guide or spiritual director is the right fit for you. It is important to feel that your teacher is authentically honoring the ancestors and the healing lineage who trained and offered their wisdom. Only you can make the right decision for you.
POSITIONS ARE BY APPLICATION ONLY. Please give 48 hours for your application to be reviewed and expect to be contacted by Chloë in order to set up an appointment to meet to discuss the program. Due to the nature of this work you must meet with Chloë first to determine if working together is a good fit. To begin the application process, please click the link above. If you have any questions pertaining to the application process, please don’t hesitate to contact Chloë directly via email at chloe@exploredeeply.com.
Applications will be considered on a first come basis, however, the enthusiasm of the applicant and their alignment with this work will be highly weighed in consideration of filling the Apprenticeship positions. Please understand you will meet with Chloë first to see if this program is right for you at this time of your life.
This format is ideal for those of you who prefer to be supported to do deep personal inquiry and receive help to integrate and powerfully embody the practices and energy tools that you will learn throughout the program.
If you would like to be considered for the upcoming Apprenticeship, please fill out the contact form.
On the path of Spiritual Guide there are many Medicine Paths according to the traditions of our ancestors. Each path can require a lifetime of in-depth learning to become a true teacher.
Guides must be able to face the most difficult of human experience and the darkest energies when working with clients. For this reason, the training is extremely hard and one must pass many tests.
I understand at a deep and profound level.... that we must do the work, become a clear conduit of the Divine, and be the person who can hold the vision, in order to have the strength and courage to act on our inner guidance to bring the dream into reality.
I hope to inspire more people to listen to their soul’s calling, and cause them to look a little closer at themselves, at the natural environment that surrounds them, and at other people and their beliefs of separation, race, culture, and religion.
I have spent over a decade studying under three indigenous medicine people, and have been trained in ceremonial practices from two living traditional medicine paths, one in North America and one in South America. I have a Master’s degree in Indigenous Studies from the Arctic University of Norway, and I am a certified Native American Healing Arts Practitioner. The processes and tools I teach are based on a foundation of practical life experience, trauma and dissociation training, including work with traumatic memory and PTSD, as well as a multitude of mind, body, spirit wellness certifications. You may read more about my personal background here.
Chloë Rain
Founder of Explore Deeply
“Our purpose, the meaning of it all, is revealed to us one step along the journey at a time. If we’re confused, or feel stuck, or are frustrated because we don’t know what to do next, the thing for us to do is to take the next step, without knowing.”
What people are saying…
I will NEVER self-abandon again! I am a more engaged co-creator of my life story. I take care to listen to my heart and inner wisdom more often. Throughout the past 5 months, so many things have changed for me! As I engaged month by month, I became deeply aware of the root patterns that had kept me from expressing who I truly am, allowing my highest potential and truth to live in this world. I became much more aware of the limiting beliefs and patterns that had kept me from being truly empowered. Perhaps the most fundamental of changes was the grounded day to day connection to Spirit and Heart-Centered Knowing that I had not experienced before. Through this work I know and feel the truth of being 'given back to myself'. I discovered how it is a choice to live in harmony and spirit connection to myself and all my relations, through prayer and in service to Creation. — Rob H
I am simply in awe and humbled by the deep effect that this work has had on how I view myself now. I am more loving and forgiving toward myself. I am less quick to anger and frustration over the petty problems in my daily life that I encounter. There is a clarity and deeper self-trust that my inner-knowing will never lead me astray and always guide me toward that which expresses my highest truth and nourishes my well-being. It has taken me a long time to recognize my own self-worth and this process has made me confront that issue at its very core! I see the greater wellspring of love, wealth and abundance within me... something that I now realize must first come within me in order for the world to respond back to me in kind.
The strength I have gained and the connection that I have with my own soul, is invaluable.
Knowing who I am as a soul, and being as connected as I could possibly be to my own spirit, I have gained what I would consider to be the ideal thing of what was missing in my life, in addition to being able to have real health, in my physical and emotional well being as well as in my relationships with my loved ones. — Kerry W
After working together I feel more resilient with some true grit! I have a more courageous, fearless spirit to give life all I've got regardless. Now I'm DOING and BEING!
No words can express how much relief and hope continues to come from this work. I wonder why I didn’t do this sooner?! It was not easy, but by no means was it hard. Once I tapped into myself and began to express emotions and thoughts that were once untouchable for me my whole life, it was game on. It felt so unbelievably good. Chloë shows you tools for emotional longevity, and offers skills and coping mechanisms that are needed to surpass any difficulty that arises in life. She really teaches how to make things stick, and I believe this is the critical link to health and happiness.
After a tumultuous breakup of a 7 year relationship, I was at a complete loss. I looked to traditional therapy to help me when my emotions of sadness, anger, blame, and loneliness were too much to cope with. I got answers from therapy, but I couldn’t figure out how to make sure I would never ever go through another failed relationship again.
Chloë and her spiritual apprenticeship program were discovered when looking toward alternative therapies that even my therapist said would work better than traditional methods.
Where could I find the continued support and wisdom to make truly fundamental changes in my life? I needed hope. Direction. I needed an understanding of human kind and how to cope with loss without alcohol, drugs, sex, and an adrenaline lifestyle that I used to deal with my emotions since the age of 10.
I needed to figure out my anger issues and learn how to have patience with life, from everything to slow moving vehicles to romantic relationships, and all the things in between. I also did not want to take medication to fix my anxieties and depression after abusing sex and drugs to hide decades of emotional turmoil. This was a very difficult decision to have to make because my entire existence and friendships are based in the social norms of having beers, smoking a joint, or being sexually promiscuous. — Mark S
Among the most relieving and encouraging strengths that have come out of this work together has been the awareness that I actually have something to give, to say, to do in this world. In my conversations with others now, I feel a deeper clarity of purpose that my Spirit is guiding me to. I no longer seem to feel the 'fog' of indecision or confusion in my mind. This gives me the feeling that I am developing a greater sense of knowingness through my heart-connected awareness and how that may interact with the world.
When I joined the Four Directions Apprenticeship program, I was hoping to resolve some deeply held beliefs that I was not worthy and had nothing of value or worth sharing or giving to the world. Through the dedication, I began to see how important this work is to me for my own well-being and that of others around me.
I thank you from the bottom of my soul for all that you've shared, for all that I've learned, and for all the beautiful things ahead as I leap back out into the world as myself again...and that is one of the greatest feelings...Ahhh-HO!
Some of my favorite insights and breakthroughs that have come to me during this time together are that you don’t have to demand something that can never be taken away. All someone can attempt to do is make it harder for you to believe what is already yours. You can choose to compromise on ideas that do not require a compromise on your morals and values. It’s okay to change your mind. You are not required to be today who you were yesterday. Knowledge is personal power, personal power is for everyone (is everyone’s divine right). You are simply who you are. If you do not know who you are, you are either in a process of transformation or unaccepting of self. And lastly, I create my own success, I define what success is for me and I choose what is my success.
Prior to working with Chloë, I was feeling lost in my direction in life with an overwhelming sense of anxiety and doubt that the attempts I was making to change my situation wasn't bringing forth momentum. I had forgotten who I was, as one might say. During our sessions, I would take the time for myself that I needed and felt a weight lift off of me afterwards. Through our time together I was able to go deep into the obstacles, feelings and habits that had been preventing me from arriving at a place that I desired. In time, I found the encouragement and strength within myself to open new pathways.
I no longer feel the need to 'take any shit' from anyone....most of all, from myself! I no longer think I'm 'lazy' and as a result, I give myself the opportunity to begin again anew each day no matter what the day before was like. If it does not serve my highest good or is not supportive or nourishing, then I do my best to kindly and lovingly walk away. Among the most relieving and encouraging strengths that have come out of this work together has been the awareness that I actually have something to give, to say, to do in this world.
I have been continuously in awe of Chloë's passion and her truthful and grounded way of being in the world. Her dedication to wellness and the kind of presence she carries in her work with people is a huge inspiration. She is able to create a very safe, healing, and inspiring container for those she works with. This gave me an immediate sense of trust and the belief that I could become more and more self-empowered...in other words, more ME!
I was looking for way to develop my intuition and trust again my inner compass. As a result, Chloë held space and offered several tools that have stayed with me ever since. This energetic toolbox has become a part of my daily life allowing me to recalibrate, re-center and remember that everything that I need is already within me. I feel energetically lighter and now take informed action, trusting in the path that is uniquely mine. Deep bow to the unfolding journey... — Marlee F
I looked forward to each week: learning about self improvement, methods to shield, sense, and protect my energy. It was good to share my story, ie. my life, and gain the insight and wisdom necessary for me to move forward on this wonderful wheel of life! We journeyed (shamanic journey with a drum), probably my favorite thing along with Stone Medicine. I filled up an entire journal with my experiences. We became ceremony together, and we even seemed to connect/synch so many times on upcoming lessons... We did so much! WOW! I had many major insights and breakthroughs during our journey together. — Gina S